image of an old clock outdoors

What’s the Time? 14th December, 2024

In 1840, Great Western Railways set a standard time on its lines. Over the next seven or so years, this was taken up by other railway companies. London time was used, which was the time at the Greenwich Observatory, already called Greenwich Mean Time. Initially GMT had to be carried by an operative with a clock going on a train. He would stop off at the various stations to correct their clocks. By 1855, the telegraph put him out a job. 

There was resistance to London Time. Town Hall clocks and station clocks in some areas gave different times with up to 20 minutes variation. Though, by 1858, 98% of towns had adopted London Time. The final step, which went beyond the railways, was the Definition of Time Act of 1880 which set one time for the whole country.

an image of the witch's walk group led by Derek Smith on Saturday 27th october

Witch’s Walk – Saturday 27th Oct,2024

On Sunday, I led the walk to the Witch’s Tree. You never know in advance how many are going to come to such events. My daughter guessed seven, I was more optimistic and reckoned there’d be ten of us. We were both wildly out as 34 showed up, half of them children. The walk started from the garden at 1.10 …